Improved Qobuz Discography

  • Live

Stephen Healy

When viewing an Artist in Sense and exploring the available Qobuz discography (show all albums) there will be sorting parity to match what is on the Qobuz application, meaning there will filtering between Album/Live/Compilation/EPs & Singles/Other/All, and sorting by Release Date or by Relevance (Relevance usually equates to popularity/most streamed)


Activity Newest / Oldest


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Live



Great! I was waiting for that for long time!


Mike Hughes

Will this go some way to fix the annoyance that albums never appear in chronological release order?


Stephen Healy

Hi Mike, yes what you are seeing currently is the Qobuz 'Relevance' order which was the default and only option. I think the idea behind that is the most 'popular' items get pushed to the top, but in terms of chronology it seems quite random.
When this feature goes live, you can just sort by Release Date completely, and also just filter for main LPs or for Live albums etc.

  • L

Mike Hughes

Sounds good. Will I have to sort by Release Date for each artist, which will be a PITA, or is it a “set once” function, which would be perfect.


Stephen Healy

At the moment we follow what Qobuz do, so the default sorting will be Release Date.


Mike Hughes

Ah right. So that will remain non-chronological to some extent then if a 2004 remaster of a 1965 album is labelled as 2004.


Stephen Healy

That's somewhat a matter of perspective; it's fair enough that a 2004 remaster should be chronologically treated at that date rather than appearing down in 1965 where presumably you may have a copy of the original recording. This better helps to differentiate versions, and when you look at streaming services (Spotify etc) this is the approach they take, for example a 2006 original album will be listed for that year, and the 10th anniversary edition will be listed as released in 2016. This is probably the least confusing of the options available.


Mike Hughes

To be fair I’ve found it’s working really well for me. It would be nice to reverse it so that goes from oldest to newest bit otherwise it’s definitely a step in the right direction.


Stephen Healy

Status changed to: Testing